Quotes About Learning

As I’ve continued to stress, learning is important, even more so than education. It’s something that we continue to do throughout our entire lives even when our education is finished. So, here are some quotes about learning, which is just a little different from education from some of the greatest minds.

“Any fool can learn. The point is to understand.”- Albert Einstein

“Self-education is, I firmly believe the only education there is.” – Isaac Asimov

“You cannot open a book without learning something.” – Confucius

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

“I am always ready to learn although I don’t always like being taught.” – Winston Churchill

“It’s what you learn after you know it all is what counts.” – Harry S. Truman

“Learning never exhausts the mind.” – Leonardo da Vinci

“There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. They are the very simplest things and because it takes a man’s life to know them the little new that each man gets from life is very costly and the only heritage he has to leave.” – Ernest Hemingway

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” – Phil Collins

Best YouTube Learning Channels

YouTube has a big affect on learning. I’ve learned so much from many of these different channels. Some of these are really random education channels that teach you facts you didn’t know you should know! Regardless, it’s safe to say a lot can be learned from all of these and I hope you love them as much as I do.



I’m not a big fan of Science but SciShow brings up so many fascinating topics that I can’t help but love. The videos are always short and informative. Prepare to fall in love!



The title alone is just a little bit self explanatory. List25 is all about lists of 25 random facts about different world leaders, life hacks, history factors, and many random and bizarre facts. Yes, the lists can get a little lengthy but I promise that each topic is so intriguing that it isn’t all that long at all.

Khan Academy


I can’t recommend this enough. Khan Academy has it’s whole own website. However, it also has tons and tons of videos on it’s YouTube video as well. Khan Academy has videos on just about any topic in Math, Science, Psychology, English, and much more. It’s most well known for it’s Math and Science videos since they include so many different interesting topics.



This channel is a little more educational than the normal TED videos. TED is known for it’s conferences and lectures given by top experts on it’s specific topic. This channel is a lot shorter and provides illustrations and lots of well researched information. It brings up a lot of interesting points and I love it.

Mental Floss


Mental Floss is also a magazine but it makes memorable videos here as well. The videos are mostly random misconceptions, life hacks, and myths. Always entertaining and weird, you can count on the Mental Floss to come through with the facts about everything.

PBS Idea Channel


They don’t post as many videos as I’d like them to but the ones they do post always are amazing. PBS is filled with educational things and none is as cool and interesting as this one right here.

Crash Course


Who isn’t obsessed with Crash Course? You’re seriously missing out if you haven’t heard of this YouTube channel. The Young Adult author John Green hosts this channel and his brother hosts as well. John typically covers the English and History topics while Hank covers Psychology and Science topics. These are all informative and well illustrated videos that teach you tons of information in around 12 minutes or so.

Best Education Quotes

Quotes have always been my favorite. These quotes on the topic of education from some of the worlds greatest leaders and educators are all extremely important. Hope you like them as much as I do!

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”- Nelson Mandela

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”- Mark Twain

“Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.”- Robert Frost

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”- Margaret Mead

“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.”- Malcolm X

“Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education.”- Martin Luther King Jr.

“A quality education has the power to transform societies in a single generation, provide children with the protection they need from the hazards of poverty, labor exploitation and disease, and given them the knowledge, skills, and confidence to reach their full potential.”- Audrey Hepburn

“Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.”- John F. Kennedy

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”- Aristotle

“The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.”- B.B. King

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”- Henry Ford

“The secret in education lies in respecting the student.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”- Albert Einstein

“Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.” – Plato

“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.”- Oscar Wilde


10 Quick Tips On Cramming

Cramming is something that chronic procrastinators are forced to do. Studying for any test in college can be overwhelming and waiting until the last minute isn’t the smartest decision. However, many of us just get busy and forget to study ahead of time. Here are some tips for those of you that are currently cramming for a big college exam.

1. Get some sleep

Prep up as much as possible before you sit down and study consistently for X number of hours. You’ll need energy if you want to study for long periods of time.

2. Make sure to eat

Try to get your energy up by eating at least a snack. Don’t skip any meals, make sure you’re getting the nutrition that you need as much as possible.

3. Highlight what you need

Make sure you single out the important points in the chapter or whatever you’re reviewing for. Don’t just study the whole chapter again and again, make sure you talk back to the text. Ask questions about what you don’t understand.

4. Make a practice exam

Read and answer the questions at the end of each chapter. Looking over these and analyzing how it’s set up is important. You can follow that before you make questions for a practice test. A practice test will help you prepare properly for the upcoming exam.

5. Type your notes

If you have handwritten notes, typing them helps. Looking over these will help you review as you type them up. Taking handwritten notes is important because it helps you retain information while you’re in class. This is a strategy I recommend trying.

6. Review graded assignments/quizzes/tests

Look over what you got wrong and do your best to see what you did wrong. Looking over this several times will help you retain this information and remember the right answers.

7. Work in the library

You need a quiet studying space and what spot is better than the library? It’s quiet and has a positive environment where you can get your work done with minimal distractions. Probably a lot better than any dorm will be.

8. Breathe!

This is an obvious yet one that we sometimes forget. When we’re under a lot of stress, we can forget to breathe. So just relax and keep on breathing as you get through this intense study session.

9. Have study buddies

Having a group to study with can be extremely effective if you stay on task. It can be fun to have someone else there to quiz you and to share ideas with. Just make sure your able to focus on studying only!

10. Use flashcards

Making your own flashcards on the particular subject your studying for is a strategy that pretty much always works. Make sure that the flashcards are filled with necessary information. You can use any other strategies to help you remember the information but this is probably the most common and effective one I can come up with. Then just keep on quizzing yourself and you’ll retain the information in no time!

Why Do We Hate Education?

As I stated in my post earlier this month, Americans often take advantage of having an education since it’s always been there, no one has ever prevented them from dong it. Now, I wanted to take a moment to talk about why so many students dread school and the education system in general.

There’s a lot of reasons why so many students all around America despise education. Partly because students feel as if teachers just don’t care about their education, they just want to get paid. I think this certainly isn’t true about every teacher. Some teachers deeply care for their students and want them to continue receiving a quality education. Sometimes, it just happens to be that the student believes the lie that school doesn’t matter. Being a well-educated person is extremely important and will allow much more job opportunities as well as other advantages.

Many students do care about receiving an education, it’s the school system that bothers them. This then causes students to just shut down and believe that what they learn isn’t all that important. This isn’t true, as I already talked about, kids in other parts of the world risk their life just to go to school everyday. While the American school system has it’s obvious flaws, at least we have schools that we can safely attend.

It’s a big deal to appreciate the school system that we have. I think that just because you have bad experiences with the school you attend, doesn’t mean you should care less about learning. If anything, you should care more about diving deeper and discovering things that you don’t know due to whatever reason it may be. I’m not sure if schools will ever fix the problem of having some teachers that could care less about anything other than a paycheck. Unfortunately, it’s just something that students have to learn to adjust to. There’s a lot of learning left to do and we shouldn’t forget that.

Useful College Studying Sources

Flickr via Clay Shonkwiler

Flickr via Clay Shonkwiler

One of the biggest things I’ve struggled with when it comes to studying in college is not having many sources to turn to. It can be hard to endure studying for midterms and all your exams when you’re not sure the best methods of studying. Here are some of my favorite sources for finding what studying strategies work best for you!

How To Study

This website is really helpful because it has different guides and methods by subject. It also has general study tips, reading comprehension tips, and organizational tips. What I linked to was reading comprehension tips because I found those especially helpful. Sometimes reading my college textbooks can get a bit overwhelming and these tips really helped make that less daunting.

Study Guides and Strategies 

Some of these seem pretty basic knowledge you may already know but there are plenty of helpful guides as well. I found the time management guide especially helpful. I found the memorizing strategies helpful as well because I can always use those!

Study Guide Zone 

This one has so many different study guides that it can be overwhelming. There’s a lot of options here but that’s a good thing! Just find what works best for you. It’s pretty guaranteed that these site will have whatever subject you’re struggling with. They also have guides for those of you that are graduate students as well!

Academic Tips 

Yet another useful website filled with interesting tips. This one consists more of general tips than in depth looks by subject. However, the information is very specific and might be helpful for you guys for whatever you may be struggling with. It also may be useful for students that are not in college yet and are looking to get a head start on figuring things out.

SR Trends

SR Trends isn’t specifically a study blog. But it is a blog dedicated to college life and I found these basic study tips extremely helpful. It’s well researched and also has super pretty pictures to go along with it. What could be better than that?

Study Hack

Study Hack has tons and tons of cool resources and strategies. I personally enjoyed the speed reading, flash cards, active reading, and memory techniques that Kat gives us. It’s a really awesome and well organized blog that I strongly recommend!

Dani Dearest 

This is a personal college blog which is something I always enjoy since these are students that are actually going through this currently. I love Dani’s post about making your own binder dividers and I found that to be seriously helpful. I also love all of her posts about organizing and there’s ton of them! She gets really specific about organizing your computer and other applications which can be useful for those of you who are balancing all of your college assignments, schedules, or whatever else it may be!

Nitty Gritty English

A tool for those of you that may be struggling with writing college essays. This site has tips about avoiding plagiarism, proofreading, finding a topic for a research paper, and much much more. I think every college student could learn a few things from checking this one out.

Hopefully you’ll learn some new information from these 8 different resources!

Personal Favorite Books

The only problem with this particular recommendation is that I’ve already talked about a lot of my favorite books. Since I read so much, I’m going to do my best to bring up books I haven’t already mentioned. These books are ones that really caused me to love reading. This love started from an early age so I’ll try to touch on some kids books as well.

Babysitter’s Club


These books were my absolute favorite growing up. I read pretty much every single one of these books. There was at least 100 in the series. I really think that reading these books from such a young age helped me love reading as much as I do now.

Junie B. Jones


Okay, I gotta give credit to Junie. I actually started reading these books long before babysitter’s club. I remember reading these in the first grade and absolutely loving them. I also credit Junie for making me such a sassy child. The character certainly had that part down. There are few characters as hilarious because this is an accurate portrayal of a young girl which is rare with books.

Charlotte’s Web

charlottes web734_template_2734

The first book that wasn’t a series that I fell in love with. The story of Charlotte’s Web is a classic for a reason. It’s one of the most honest and innocent displays of friendship that’s ever been written. I love the simplicity yet deep life lessons this one holds. It’s really one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read.

American Girl


These are just four out of many many American Girl characters. These books were amazing and they also taught me a lot about history which is always a plus. The dolls were great but I personally enjoyed reading these since you become so invested with the stories and characters within these stories. I’m not sure which one is my favorite. The only doll I ever had was Kit but I always loved Samantha and Molly’s books were the ones I found myself reading the most.



I still have nightmares about these books sometimes. They are so haunting and just straight up creepy. The one that always got me was Phantom of the Auditorium. I’ve read it about three or four times and I think the plot twist just shocks me no matter how many times I read it. I even watched the episode of Phantom of the Auditorium hoping that would cure my fears. Nope, I’m still creeped out like 10 years later.

Harry Potter


I didn’t get into these books until like 8th grade. By that point, a majority of the movies were already out but I was still a big fan of the story. I loved Hermione Granger and how intelligent she was and I was so envious of her being a witch and everything. I just really loved the first four books. I couldn’t get through the fifth one but the first four were amazing to me! They really got me back into reading.

A Mango Shaped Space


This book is probably the least known of the bunch so far. It really intrigued me the first time I read it. The main reason I included it on this list is because it’s the first book I remember crying over. The story was just so incredible and I’d never read anything like it. The book is about a girl who has synesthesia, which is a neurological phenomenon where you see letters and numbers as colors. It’s a really unique and rare thing that you never read about in fiction young adult books. It was a book that really blew me away and I still love it today.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants


Another series that I read in the fifth grade and really loved. It just taught me a lot about what it means to be a real friend. What these four characters have is something that every person longs for. They go through boys, deaths, sickness, pregnancy, and everything in between but they always stick together. And when they can’t physically be together, they just send the pants and it feels like they are really together. This is a book that I will always love, even though the last book was actually insane and weird.