May Theme

Wow, I can’t believe that May is already here. Finals are just around the corner (Monday and Tuesday for me) and that’s just crazy to me that I’m already nearly finished with my first year of college. So I’m off to a late start for the month of May and I contemplated not doing a theme at all. But then I realized that sticking to one theme for the whole theme has helped me become a lot more organized and consistent with my blog posts so I might as well continue doing them. So this month I’m going to talk about underdogs: the washed up, those that have all the odds against them, and just those that you can’t help but root for and be inspired by. Some of these underdogs don’t ALWAYS win, but you always want them to due to the fact that they never give up. Some other words to describe them and just general words to think about this month are: outcasts, misfits, freaks, geeks, weirdos, round pegs in square holes, rebels, and dreamers. Basically the best way to sum up this month is this quote from Apple,

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

So this is the quote that helped me come up with this theme because it’s a quote that I come back to fairly often. Underdogs seem to have the whole world against theme but somehow they manage to find something or someone to believe in and they find a way to reach some level of success. Some of the things I’ll be talking about this month include: Broadway musicals, Disney movies, books about the world being against you, movies about finding a way to overcome, and also a few rad playlists, one of which will definitely be for those of you studying for finals. Plus there will be many more things that are going to be a surprise so stay with me this month!

Sidenote: Since I’m a day late getting started, I’ll also put my first post that should have been today sometime later on in the day so I don’t get too behind with my posts.

Welcome to April

Wow, it’s hard to believe that it’s already April. This year has flown by so quickly and now I’m nearly done with my freshman year of college. That is equally awesome and also very terrifying. I’m really excited about this month, even though I already mentioned that it may bore some of you to death. I’ve always been a big fan of sports. Like it or not, it’s a big part of our society as a whole and there are so many books, movies, TV shows, songs, and much more about the subject of sport.

I’ve chosen this month because sports are important to me. I’m like the least athletic person on the planet. However, I love sports because it’s something that I’ve always loved watching. The games of football, basketball, and baseball have always fascinated me. The lives of the athletes and how whatever game I’m watching is played in general has managed to fascinate me endlessly.

This month, I hope to tell you stories. Some of these stories about big sports scandals or profiles on hot shot athletes are things you know a lot about. My personal stories about growing up at the baseball field and having absolutely zero athletic ability are some things you won’t know. I hope my own personal spin on things will make the theme more interesting for everyone. Take care!

End Of March & Intro To April

Hey! I’ve loved writing about this month’s theme education all month. Hopefully you’ve learned some random facts or something like that. The month of April is going to be about sports: organized and unorganized. April marks the kick off to baseball season. While some of you may not care about it since this isn’t a sports blog, there’s still interesting stories and facts about baseball. I’m sorry if you find it boring, but hopefully you at least enjoy a good sports movie. I mean, Sandlot is a classic and I’ll definitely be talking about it a number of times during the month.

I plan on dedicating a lot of lists to different sports. For instance, I’m going to have a list of the ultimate sports movies then break some down by the main sports. I also plan on profiling athletes that everyone keeps talking about. For books this month, I’m going to talk about the best nonfiction sports books: both memoirs and biographies. There’s not a lot of great fiction sports books so I’m just going to do it that way.

This is just a little preview of what is to come. I plan on talking a little more about why I chose this theme and why you should care about it. That’s about it! Hope you guys stay with me this month.

Call For Submissions

Hey lovely people!
Thank you for reading my blog. Whether it’s your first visit or your tenth, I hope you enjoy what I have to say here. My mission is simply to share my love and passion for pop culture, movies, music, and books with anyone who will read it. I’m looking for submissions for the month of March. The theme is going to be loss including: loss of loved one, pet, friends, self, and whatever else you can come up with! I decided to make this my theme because recently, my grandpa passed away. He was the nicest guy I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to have in my life at all. I’m going to continue missing him and I felt like I should write about this experience and share books, movies, and TV shows I love that explores the different kinds of loss. I want to hear your stories about loss because I’m just one person and so it’ll become repetitive if I keep sharing my own wrestle with loss. It would mean the world to me if you emailed your stories about loss. If you’d rather not send anything personal that’s okay, I’ll take any pop culture recommendations on the topic or whatever else you can come up with! There’s no particular guidelines or word count, just send me anything and everything. Send ideas or completed stories to
Thank you so much!

Concluding and Introducing

So today I want to have a nice little conclusion and recap of sorts of January. The theme was Change, as I stated in pretty much every post. I don’t know how effective my posts were as a whole but I hope it wasn’t too repetitive. Hopefully, the next month will have more options as to what the month revolves around so I can come up with fresh ideas basically every day. It’s hard having a monthly theme, especially when it’s a personal blog that you’re running by yourself. But I think it worked out smoothly because I love the organization that it brings and how I can brainstorm for ideas and not get too all over the place. The ideas work together and revolve around simply one main idea which I find extremely organized and I like to think it works.

With all that being out in the open, I’d like to introduce February. The month’s theme will be love. I’ll go into it in more detail in the official post to kick off the month. I wanted to bring it up because the month will be packed with ideas. It’s a broad word and leaves much room for interpretation. I’d love to hear your own personal meaning of love or anything you have for me that I might find useful. Although I have a lot of the month planned out, I’d love to do some additional posts if you have anything to add. Who says I have to post only once a day? I’d love posting more than that so be sure to contact me! I wrote this a day early just in case you’d like to send some ideas in now and I can add them in tomorrow’s post when I talk about the month’s plans. Maybe I’m getting a little too desperate for contributors so I’ll stop here but be sure to contact me if you have ANY ideas at all! They don’t even have to related to the theme, I’d just love to hear them.

This concludes the month of January! I hope you enjoyed this month and I hope you like reading my blog! Thank you for checking it out and listening to my rambles.