Coolest Interview Related Magazines and Websites

I’ve always thought that interviews were really cool. Celebrities are obviously cool people and I love profiles in magazines that give us better insight into who that celebrity is. These are some of the best sources for celebrity interviews.

Rolling Stone 

You probably should be searching for a particular celebrity because the magazine has so many different issues of it. The magazine interviews pretty much everyone you can possibly think of so it’s a trusted source to find the most interesting interviews out there.

Interview Magazine

The title says it all, Interview Magazine has the best interviews. The best part about them is that most of the time, it’s celebrities interviewing other celebrities. There’s something really special about reading how these celebrities interact with one another. Sometimes it’s a director and actor, actress and actress, or many other different fields or whatever. At the end of the day, they are all artists and these interviews show the respect they have for one another.

Joe Smith Library of Congress

This collection that’s in the Library of Congress has old yet still very interesting interviews Joe Smith has collected over the years with many different famous musicians. He talks to everyone including B.B. King, Linda Ronstadt, Mick Jagger, Peter Frampton, David Bowie, Ray Charles, and many more. It’s definitely worth checking out.

Blank On Blank

Blank On Blank is a short program brought to us by PBS. It also features really cool animations along with these lost interviews. Interview subjects include: Tupac, Johnny Cash, Meryl Streep, Elliott Smith, Lou Reed, Kurt Cobain, and many more!


Most Romantic Love Letters

Love letters are such a rare romance these days. Back in the day, it was a beautiful way to express your feelings for another person that you can’t currently be with. Now, we express how we feel using text messages which isn’t nearly as personal. I’m going to do things a little differently here, I’m going to link to these famous love letter posts on different websites. I didn’t see the point in making my own list since I would include the same exact ones that Time did and I also Brain Pickings collection of letters as well! Without further ado, I hope that you enjoy these heartwarming and endearing love letters. Maybe it’ll even inspire you to give up the cell phones and pick up the pencil and writing some romantic letters of your own! A girl can dream right?

Time’s Famous Love Letters Article 

Brain Picking’s Frida Kahlo Letter to Diego Rivera

Georgia O’Keeffe Love Letters

Love Letters From Famous People

Glamour’s List of Most Romantic Love Letters

Huffington Post Handwritten Letters