Best Babe Ruth Quotes

The Great Bambino said some incredible things during his life. These are some of the most memorable and striking quotes.

1. “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”

2. “Every strike brings me closer to next home run.”

3. “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”

4. “Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.”

5. “You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.”

6. “The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.”   


Best Sports To Play With Others

Playing outside with your friends is a lot of what my childhood consisted of. It can be so much fun to still relive that fun every now and then and play those games with your friends! I’m a firm believer that you’re never too old for any of these outdoor games.

1. Kickball

Playing kickball outside was one of my favorite things in elementary school. I was by far the least athletic but it’s still fun to play a game with all your closest friends.

2. Four Square

This game isn’t physical so it was perfect for my awkward and non athletic self. It was such a fun game to play while on the playground in elementary school and middle school. What I love about four square is that you’re never too old to play it.

3. Jumping rope

This isn’t a sport but it’s definitely a workout. This was one of my favorite activities on the playground because it was one of the only ones I was actually good at. Jumping rope is also the most fun when you do it with other people. Double dutch is by far more challenging but it’s also just a fun way to get involved with your friends and do something productive.

4. Basketball

Playing pickup games of basketball with your friends is one of the best bonding activities in my book. I think this one is so great because you never grow out of it. There are guys that are still forty years old and they play pickup games with their buddies as a way to get some exercise and also some interaction with your best friends. It’s fun because there’s not a bunch of rules, you just play the game you love with little interruptions.

5. Ultimate Frisbee

Some people might automatically think this is lame but it’s also an active sport that involves lots of movement. I think it’s a fun use of your time. Plus you do have to be at least a little bit coordinated and athletic. But if you’re not, that’s not a big deal. The game was meant for all people and this is one that I personally think is one that everyone should play once or twice every once in awhile with their friends.